Monday, March 21, 2011

Should adoption records be open rather than sealed?

     This one it depends really on what way you look at it. If i was the kid being adopted and I had a couple of rough familys who adopted me I wouldn't like the new adoption parents to know about them. I would just want to know me as a child.
     If it was from the parent side it would be different. I would like to know about the kids records of being a trouble maker or not. Kids would just act nice to get adopted then once adopted turn mean.
     This one depends on what side you look at the adoption. The kid side against the parent side of adoption. I think this is what the question is asking.

Should newspaper reporters be required to reveal their sources?

I believe they should tell the source of thier information. Other wise they will just make a bunch of stuff up to get popular and get the money from newspaper reporters. It someone did a really horrible story it could make a company or a person look extremly bad and could also give the news paper companies a bad reputation. They if they did the people could get their own opinion on the story by the source.